I have been an avid user of the "Draw Squad"
for years. I teach children with language disorders, and
the use of the tapes has helped them to unleash their
artistic abilities which in turn enhanced their verbal
language. Nothing compares to
the original Draw Squad series which was so logically sequenced. One
of my students who saw the series years ago is now
graduating high school and is planning to pursue a career
in architecture.
You can spread my story far and wide. I'll try to scan a
picture from my student, the great artist, which won him a
local contest.
Martin Stein
I enjoyed looking up The Draw Squad
web site and reading all the benefits of
learning to draw in 3-D. I thought you
might be interested in learning why I'm such a
fan of these tapes.
I initially read a review of The Draw
Squad tapes in a homeschooling resource book
by Mary Pride. I ordered the first ones
the summer my son, Andrew, was in between second
and third grade. While in second grade his
behavior during art class had deteriorated and I
couldn't figure out why this one class was such
a problem. Finally, he admitted that he
hated art because he considered himself a
failure at drawing and confessed that he didn't
see a reason to try anymore. Meanwhile,
his behavior in art class worsened.
When I read Mary Pride's description of Mark
Kistler's zany method I sensed that this was for
Andrew. So, during the summer he practiced
drawing along with Mark in the first two
tapes. Sure enough, Mark's presentation
really appealed to him.
The first week of third grade, Andrew came
home telling me that The Draw Squad was
being taught in his art class! The art
teacher used The Draw Squad book to make
transparencies and taught the equivalent of the
first four tapes. Since Andrew had already
learned the drawing techniques taught in tapes
"A" and "B," he was no longer behind but ahead!
His self-confidence soared and his behavior
problems ceased. Although that art teacher
retired at the end of the year and the next
teacher opted not to continue with The Draw
Squad, he continues to hone his skills at
Andrew is currently finishing up fifth grade.
He uses his 3-D drawing skills almost every day
in school. His spelling assignments, in
which he illustrates his words, have become less
time consuming. Previous to learning how
to draw in 3-D he would spend much time
agonizing about making his flat drawings "look
right." His current book report on the
Wright brothers is illustrated with a fine
looking 3-D, 1901 vintage glider. Science
projects also became a lot more fun, once he
could draw something that actually resembled
what he was describing.
My daughter, Hannah, age five, has good small
motor control, and has been drawing along with
Andrew for a year. I don't think she'll
ever experience the negative feelings about
drawing as Andrew did.
Oh, my, this has become quite lengthy!
I'll blame it on your highly descriptive web
Have a good day.
Home School Teacher
Manchaca, TX
Here are some samples (the kids
couldn't wait) of their work!!
I purchased your program in October and I
have never had anything received with such
enthusiasm in my whole career! The parents
love it; the kids love it and it's so good for
Keep in mind now this is second grade stuff -
so it's not finished as some of the older kids'
work might be but they sure are having a
wonderful time with it - and so am I!!
Eileen Smith
2nd Grade Teacher
Fairlands Elementary School
Pleasanton, CA
I recently read a pamphlet put out by
you about drawing and how it helps ones
self-esteem. I applaud you for making the
public more aware of this. I have been
drawing since I was a little girl. At 34,
I'm still drawing and painting. I find
this sort of creative expression to be most
meaningful in my life, because not only does it
help me to get out of myself and my problems, it
also opens my world to the boundless
possibilities of experience that we can have if
we are receptive enough.
So many times the unspoken word, an image
drawn by the free hand, is so much more
expressive than talking. I have found this
to be true among all ages of people.
When I was in graduate school I did an
internship with children of people with
AIDS. What I found during those weeks was
that art therapy is therapy by virtue of the
fact that the person who is drawing has total
command of that experience, and is thus
empowered by the act of drawing.
Enclosed is a drawing by me. Thank you
for reminding us all what a great healing the
act of drawing can produce.
I work at a shelter for battered women and we
encourage the kids of our clients to draw.
I am amazed and impressed by the images that
come from the hand of even a three-year-old.
Thank you for the positive reminder of just
how powerful drawing can be.
Yours truly,
Art Student
Tucson, AZ